Tuesday, November 3, 2009

nyc marathon

something about it makes me teary eyed. maybe it's the thousands of people who see it as a goal. maybe it's the people who raise money for a great cause. maybe it's the people who are doing it to prove that they can. either way, it's amazing to me.

anyway, i was able to catch a bit of the marathon in person on sunday with my 2 good friends. except, we got lost in central park. don't ask. either way, i was on a mission to check it out.

even though i didn't get to see my buddy, udee, and my sister's buddy, tom, i was tracking their times on my phone. i'm thinking...maybe...eventually...this is something i might try. for myself. to prove that i, too, can do it.

(this last pic is just for fun and part of what i did on sunday after hitting up central park...hahahaa).

NOTE: while writing this blog entry, jessie sent me this article from the nytimes. while i was extremely impressed to see an american black man win the marathon, i am not impressed by the response this has evoked in people. shouldn't we all be PROUD of the fact that an american won the marathon?? he is a man who was trained in this country. why is it that because he was born in another country that people don't want to claim him as american? no words. people are still so racist in this country.


Fashion Cappuccino said...

Wow! So cool!! I can't believe when I read the article either! The whole 'race' thing should have ended decades ago! xoxoxoxoxo

bananas. said...

i am so going to run this marathon one day...i just know it! the 2010 raffle is taking applications. i was so tempted until i saw the cost of registration...$185?! NUTS! but i will do it! you watch and see!!!!

Couture Carrie said...

Lovely post and pics, darling! Go USA!


MILLIE said...

My friends over there running it
great photos!X