Monday, January 3, 2011

D's back

unfortunately, i have to rush this post. i'm spending the first day of the work week on a little shopping and lunch trip with my mom (i desperately need to purchase a brand spankin' new moleskin daily planner). i was going to do a catch up post with some pics of what i was up to while i was on my little break, but i just don't have time for that.

then i decided that since i wanted to spend some posts highlighting my awesome christmas gifts, that's how i would start the new year.

so viola:
new watch from the boo (this pic does NOTHING for this watch--it's so much prettier!), bracelet from the boo's dad (he did REAL good this year).

i'm starting to look more and more like a gypsy everyday with all of the jewelry i have been wearing. sweet.

happy monday, folks!

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